Margaret Johnson Crittenden, 99, of Dunnsville, Virginia, passed away on Thursday, September 5, 2024. She was a lifelong Lutheran, and...



Nelson Ferry Crowe, 95, passed away on Friday, August 23, 2024. Nelson was born in King and Queen on March...



Frederick Wayne Burch, “Ricky”, 69, of Middlesex County, Waterview, Virginia, and treasured son of the late Jack Covington Burch, and...

Motion Filed To Fight Eminent Domain Action

Caroline County Water Project

Attorneys for Cory and Rebekah Garrett filed a motion in Caroline County Circuit Court on August 28 to fight efforts...

Letter To The Editor

Editor, Rappahannock Times: I want to take this opportunity to apologize to the Town of Tappahannock Planning Commission and Town...

POV: New (School) Year

POV: New (School) Year

It’s the start of a new school year. For some of us we might be entering the same classrooms we...

Swimming Lesson

I am a certified Baby Boomer, so when I grew up in the 1960s there were nearly three zillion kids...