Life Outside White Picket Fence

Point Of View

By Kendall Quinn

By Kendall Quinn

A suburban home sits on a small green plot of land lined by a white picket fence, a welcome mat sits outside the front door. A wooden swing tied to an oak tree where two children play and laugh. A golden retriever puppy panting in a sun ray. The house next door- exact same.

What I just described is a scene we’ve all visualized before. Maybe you saw it in a movie or TV show. Maybe this was what you had in mind for your life when you think about adulthood because that feels good. It feels correct. It’s what society expects from you.

Since the day we were old enough to understand, we’ve been told by teachers, parents, and mentors, three steps we need to take for a successful life:

Step 1: Go to school.

Step 2: Get a job.

Step 3: Have a family.

Easy enough right? Three simple steps to make your life perfect. But as soon as you start approaching those steps, you might realize that they aren’t the same steps that make you happy. Society has put an exceeding amount of pressure on the importance of following these rules. As soon as one misses a step, or chooses to do something else they are deemed an outcast to society.

But what if it’s time we change the picture? Instead of having a family, maybe you choose to strengthen your relationship with your closest friends. Instead of going to school, you decide to become an entrepreneur and follow a passion. Instead of finding a “9-5 job” you decide to travel the world.

Instead of three steps, let’s change it to one. The key to a successful life:

Step 1: Do what makes you happy.

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